


[CFP] 동일시편(목재)의 MIP와 CFP의 공극크기 비교 연구
작성자 : 삼보과학   작성일 : 2018-12-06   조회수 : 1996
파일첨부 : 06806183_Comparison_Korean Wood.pdf


동일시편(목재) MIP CFP의 공극크기 비교 연구 논문을 소개합니다.


제목 : Comparison of the Mercury Intrusion Porosimerty, Capillary Flow Porometry and Gas Permeability of Eleven Species of Korean Wood
저자 : Eun-Suk Jang, Chun-Won Kang, Sang-Sik Jang

The typical methods of mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and capillary flow porometry (CFP) were used to evaluate the pore size of cross-section of wood and the effect of the pore structure on the permeability of wood was analyzed in this study. The results of this study were as followings: The pore size of wood measured by CFP was larger than that measured by MIP except for Lime tree, Korean red pine and Paulownia. Among the three pore types of porous materials defined by IUPAC (through pores, blind pores, and closed pores), only through pores are related to permit fluid flow. MIP measures the pore size of both through pores and blind pores, while CFP measures the pore size of only constricted through pores. Therefore, pore size measured by MIP was not related to gas permeability, however pore size measured by CFP had a proportional relationship with gas permeability.

Keywords: capillary flow porometry, mercury intrusion porosimetry, wood pore size, wood gas permeability


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이전글 [CFP] 한지벽지의 공극크기와 기체투과성 흡음율의 연관성에 관한 연구 논문
다음글 [CFP] 목재의 유기용매처리후 기체투과도와 흡음율의 변화 측정 관련 논문

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