


[CFP] 한지벽지의 공극크기와 기체투과성 흡음율의 연관성에 관한 연구 논문
작성자 : 삼보과학   작성일 : 2018-12-06   조회수 : 2383
파일첨부 : 06806185_Sound Absorption Property.pdf


한지벽지의 공극크기와 기체투과성 흡음율의 연관성에 관한 연구 논문을 소개합니다.

제목 : Sound Absorption Property of Traditional Korean Natural Wallpaper (Hanji)
저자 : Eun-Suk Jang, Chun-Won Kang, Ho-Yang Kang, Sang-Sik Jang
The sound absorption property, hand feel, air permeability and pore size of 25 kinds of traditional Korean natural wallpapers (Hanji) were measured and analyzed in this study. The sound absorption rate of Hanji became larger with increasing of frequency beginning from 3.2 kHz, reached 2 times in frequency range of nearby 4 kHz. The sound absorption rate of Hanji was increased as the permeability was lowered and the pore size was decreased. The sound absorption property of Hanji wallpaper could be improved by manufacturing process such as supercalendering process.

Keywords: Hanji wallpaper, capillary flow porometer, sound absorption rate, pore size

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이전글 [CFP/Gas Pycnometer]백합나무 횡단면의 심재, 이행재, 변재 부위별 기체투과도와 Pore 특성 연구 논문
다음글 [CFP] 동일시편(목재)의 MIP와 CFP의 공극크기 비교 연구

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