(논문게재) CAST를 이용한 분리막 전처리 효과에 대한 실증테스트 | |
작성자 : 삼보과학 작성일 : 2015-09-16 조회수 : 3334 | |
파일첨부 : v23n4-9 김원경(한국수처리학회지게재).pdf | |
삼보과학에서는 경기도 소재 하수처리장에서 CAST 시스템을 이용하여 실시한 분리막전처리 실증테스트
자료를 기반으로 한국수처리학회지에 논문을 발표하였습니다. 제목 : 하수에서 응집제 주입률 자동제어 시스템(CAST)을 이용한 MF 분리막의 막 오염에 관한 응집 전처리 효과에 관한 연구 초록 : A combined system of coagulation and membrane processes was investigated in this study for coagulation pretreatment on the fouling of microfiltration membrane in treating municipal wastewater. Coagulant dosing is traditionally based on jar-tests or operator experience, resulting in either overdosing or insufficient dosing. For reliable purity and accuracy, on-line coagulant control instrumentation is necessary. In this study, we assess the feasibility of a new coagulant dose control instrument, the online charge-based automatic titration system, charge analyzing system with titrator (CAST), to control membrane fouling in microfiltration (MF) process. This paper presents a 100 m^3/d pilot for effect of coagulation pretreatment and organic matters (UV254, PO4-P) removal using a coagulation/MF process. To confirm the coagulation effect, the CAST unit was also compared with a control method where coagulants were applied at a constant rate using In-Line Mixer device. For the extension of filtration time required to reach TMP in MF process, the application of CAST unit by applying a CAST Factor can be more useful and effective for reducing CIP cycle time, and energy, water, and chemical consumption than a control unit due to the rapid and accuracy calculation of coagulant dosage. 본 연구 내용에 관심 있으신 분은 첨부 논문을 다운로드하여 보시기 바랍니다. |
이전글 | [IEEC2015 포스터발표] CAST를 이용한 탈수공정 고분자응집제 자동제어 사례 |
다음글 | 녹조현상, 박멸 아닌 적정 수준 유지로 푼다 (한국과총 Webzine) |
고객지원 > 물환경자료실