


(국외SCI논문)서울대/삼보과학 공동발표 "Streaming current titration for coagulation of high turbidity water&quo
작성자 : 삼보과학   작성일 : 2013-02-13   조회수 : 4337
파일첨부 : 논문SCI-Streaming Current Titration for Coagulation of High Turbidity Water.pdf
서울대와 삼보과학이 해외저널에 공동발표한 SCI논문 "Streaming current titration for coagulation of high turbidity water"를 소개합니다. 본 논문은 'Colloids and Surfaces A'라는 국제저널 2013년 2월호에 게재되었습니다. 아래에 초록부분을 실었습니다. 논문 전문을 보고자 하시는 분은 첨부화일을 다운로드하여 보시기 바랍니다.

A jar test is commonly used to determine the chemical coagulation conditions in water treatment plants(WTPs). However, due to the frequent and intermittent turbidity measurements, and time-consuming determination for achieving optimal coagulation conditions, the jar test is not appropriate for the samples which are rapidly changing water turbidities. As an alternative, a streaming current detector (SCD) can be used by achieving electrically neutral conditions. A SCD can quantify the negatively charged particles by measuring the current of water samples. In this study, SCD titration was conducted to rapidly determine the optimal coagulation dosage for highly turbid waters (50-600 NTU) prepared with suspensions of kaolin (100-1000 mg/L). Polyaluminum chloride (PAC) and poly-diallyldimethylammonium chloride(poly-DADMAC) were added as coagulants. To estimate the optimal dose, a SCD titration-coagulation model was constructed, and its suitability was verified statistically by multiple linear regression analysis.
In both homogeneous (PAC-PAC) and heterogeneous (poly-DADMAC-PAC) titration-coagulation models, the residual turbidity of highly turbid kaolin samples was successfully lowered to less than 1 NTU. The homogeneous model and the jar test showed a maximum difference of 3 mg/L for the suggested coagulant dose. Our results suggest that SCD can be applied to rapidly and accurately determine the coagulation dosage for highly turbid waters in water treatment plant even during rainy season.
이전글 (발표자료) 2013 Water Korea 비지니스 포럼 발표 자료-응집제주입률제어/총인처리/막전처리
다음글 (발표자료) 2012년 광주전남기술설명회 구두발표자료

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