


[FlowCAM] 디지털 이미징 FlowCAM을 이용한 수자원에서 Microcystis 콜로니의 세포 계수를 위한 새로운 방법에 대한 논문
작성자 : 삼보과학   작성일 : 2019-04-25   조회수 : 1701
파일첨부 : Park et al_Novel method for cell counting of Microcystis using imaging flow cytometer FlowCam_Env Eng Res_Nov 2018.pdf


FlowCAM을 이용하여 군체성 남조류 Microcystis의 세포 계수 방법에 대한 논문을 소개합니다.


제목: A novel method for cell counting of Microcystis colonies in water resources using a digital imaging flow cytometer and microscope 

저자: Jungsu Park, Yongje Kim, Minjae Kim, Woo Hyoung Lee


초록: Microcystis sp. is one of the most common harmful cyanobacteria that release toxic substances. Counting algal cells is often used for effective control of harmful algal blooms. However, Microcystis sp. is commonly observed as a
colony, so counting individual cells is challenging, as it requires significant time and labor. It is urgent to develop an accurate, simple, and rapid method for counting algal cells for regulatory purposes, estimating the status of
blooms, and practicing proper management of water resources. The flow cytometer and microscope (FlowCAM), which is a dynamic imaging particle analyzer, can provide a promising alternative for rapid and simple cell
counting. However, there is no accurate method for counting individual cells within a Microcystis colony. Furthermore, cell counting based on two-dimensional images may yield inaccurate results and underestimate the
number of algal cells in a colony. In this study, a three-dimensional cell counting approach using a novel model algorithm was developed for counting individual cells in a Microcystis colony using a FlowCAM.

The developed model algorithm showed satisfactory performance for Microcystis sp. cell counting in water samples collected from two rivers, and can be used for algal management in fresh water systems.

Keywords: Algae, Algal cell counting, FlowCAM, Harmful algal bloom, Microcystis

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이전글 [Flow CAM] 미국 버지니아 뉴포트 뉴스 급수시설에서 조류 맛과 냄새 모니터링 사례 연구
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