


[FlowCAM] Protein Sciences Corporation Chooses FlowCam for Quality Analysis
작성자 : 삼보과학   작성일 : 2020-03-03   조회수 : 1679
파일첨부 : Protein Sciences Case Study.pdf


Protein Sciences Corporation Chooses FlowCam for Quality Analysis

Protein Sciences Corporation의 품질분석을 위한 FlowCam 선택에 대한 Case study입니다.


FlowCam® allows for easier, more accurate, and more informative subvisible particle analysis.
“We demoed a couple particle analyzers and we decided on the FlowCam because of the flexibility in choosing objectives, ability to
detect particles in the 5 µm range or less, and it provided real-time data analysis including particle count and shape”

- David Rhodes
Formulation and Analytical Group, Protein Sciences Corporation



Key words: Protein pharmaceutical, Particle analysis, Imaging analyzer


*전문을 보시고 싶은신 분들은 첨부파일을 다운로드 하시면 됩니다.

이전글 [FlowCAM] FlowCam for Continuous Improvement of Manufacturing Process
다음글 [FlowCAM] DLS, NTA 방법과 비교하여 바이오의약품 screening을 위한 FlowCAM의 이점

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